If the starter cord of your Stihlstring trimmerbreaks, you can be happy it's a Stihl because the manufacturer makes it easy to disassemble the starter so you can replace the cord. In fact, replacing a Stihl cord is easier than most others because you only need to remove three screws to ...
Weed Eater shafts require very little maintenance overall. Unless the owner specifically looks for the actual drive shaft, he would not realize it even existed. The rigid tubing running from the drive motor to the trimmer head houses a small spiral shaft. It is made of several twisted wires, ...
Next, you need to remove the two screws on the metal plate of the primer bulb, use the Phillips screwdrivers to do this more easily. Remove the screws and the metal plate. If the plate has a little oil or dust, use a screwdriver with a flat head to pull it up. Hold the primer bu...