If you have the dissolving type ofstitches, you won't need to get them pulled out. They disappear on their own in 7 to 10 days. Your doctor can remove other kinds of stitches or staples in 5 to 21 days, depending on the surgery you had. Should I keep my wound out of the sun?
Apply pressure.Use a clean towel or bandage to apply direct pressure to the wound. Try to keep the injured area raised above theheartto help stop or slow bleeding. Ifbloodsoaks through, don’t remove the old bandage. Just put another one right on top of it. Clean the wound.If you can...
This will help to remove dirt and other particles that might cause an infection. Wash the skin around the wound with soap and a clean washcloth. Gently pat the wound and surrounding tissues dry.[2] If running water is not able to remove all of the debris from the wound, you may need...
While it's recommended that you visit your physician or health care professional to have your stitches removed, that's not always possible. If you aren't able to see your doctor, you may be able to remove small stitches on your own, as...
Taking care of a surgical wound is similar to taking care of cuts and scrapes. You'll probably have to protect the incision with a bandage for a few days, and change the dressing daily. Follow your doctor's instructions for taking care ofstitchesor staples. You'll also want to keep the...
If the thorn has been in your skin for a few days and you see signs of infection, see a doctor to get it removed. It's better not to attempt getting it out yourself since you could further injure yourself. A doctor will be able to safely remove the thorn and dress the wound to cu...
Bandages help wounds heal by keeping them clean and protected as you go about your day. However, improper use of a bandage could cause the wound to become infected. Take care in how you prepare yourself and the wound, as well as the after...