Brown or reddish stains in your sink, tub, or toilet caused by high iron levels. Soap film left behind when soap combines with calcium and magnesium particles during washing. Feeling that you need to scrub extra-hard to remove residue when washing hands. Fun fact: Your local municipality (an...
How to Remove Prune Stains From: Marble After removing any excess liquid, wipe the surface with a cloth dipped in warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry. If any stain or discoloration remains, mix a poultice of water, powdered detergent, and bleach. Apply a thick paste to the stain...
Can you remove stains from marble with baking soda? Yes, baking soda is safe to use on marble. Here's how to use baking soda to remove a stain: Step 1: Make a thick paste out of baking soda and a small amount of water. Step 2: Smooth the paste over the stain and cover it with...
Follow these steps to remove coffee stains from Acrylic Fabric, Modacrylic, Nylon, Olefin, Polyester, and Spandex: Blot up any excess with a clean cloth. Presoak (the method of soaking in the washer or in a sink or tub before washing) the stain in a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1...
Tea stains are typically not permanent — especially if you are able to get to them quickly. Try any of the methods below to remove tea stains from clothes, floors, carpets, upholstery, dishware, and stainless steel. Unfortunately, we also learned that some of our favorite brews caused stains...
How to Clean a Bathroom Sink and Keep It Looking Pristine How to Mop Floors, Including Tile, Hardwood, Laminate, and More How to Clean Hardwood Floors for a Polished Look How to Clean Concrete Floors How to Remove Stains from Wood Floors So They Look Good as New ...
Below are tips and ideas for how to remove hair dye drips and spills that land on all kinds of hard surfaces while applying your hair color, such as your sink or counter. I'm not going to lie to you -- removing these stains is very tough, and not always possible. Some of them are...
QUESTION: We are getting water stains that we cannot clean off. How do you remove water stains from Carrara marble? ANSWER: Water stains cannot … Marble Vanity Top Getting Cloudy QUESTION: My marble vanity countertop in the master bedroom is getting "cloudy" and is no longer smooth to the...
What follows below are all the suggestions shared so far, telling what cleaning products and processes they used to remove the stains that Lysol Cling Gel caused.Good luck with removing your toilet stains, and please, if you successfully used a method to remove the stains from your toilet ...
Hope this helps, How to Remove Ink Stains From a Plastic Baby Doll Use this very unlikely remedy of Clearasil Stayclear Vanishing Acne Cream. HA! That’s right. 1. Pull back the doll’s hair and remove any clothing that is near to avoid bleaching it. 2. Liberally apply 10% benzoyl pe...