Since the screws are inside the rose or the face plate, you have to remove it first. Make the faceplate loose by prying it and expose the opening mechanism.Step 2: Raise the metal arrowIf you have a Kwikset door handle loose, locate the arrow on the side of the door knob and move i...
Here are the basic steps to installing new knobs on old doors: Remove the old hardware (knobs, deadbolts, etc) Open up hardware boxes and unwrap materials Install your deadbolt on the active door (the functional lock) Install the handle on the active side Install new strike plates Install ...
With a Schlage, simply pry in the small gap between the trim plate and its backing plate and pop them apart. Then you can slip on the ring or switch to the plate with rounded corners, as needed. It's very odd that the strike wasn't bored and mortised. You'll usually see a rounde...
Stand on the inside of the door with the Schlage deadbolt handle facing you. Turn the handle on the deadbolt to the left to release the catch. Step 2 Pull the door open toward you. Place a block of wood or a doorstop in front of the door and before the jamb to keep the door wedge...
Does Ace Hardware rekey locks? Do you have too many keys to get into your house?For $10.00 each, our qualified staff will rekey your Schlage, Kwikset, or Ace brand doorknob or deadbolt. If you have a newer Kwikset lock it may use SmartKey technology, which makes re-keying quick and eas...
Schlage Deadbolt Our Favorite Deadbolt Strong deadbolt with built-in alarm system Connect to home security monitoring system Check Price on Augment your door’s locks with an external bar Remember, no matter how good your door’s locks are, the bolts can be cut with modern ...
Step 1: Remove your old lock and deadbolt This is one of the easiest steps. First and foremost though, have a sandwich bag handy. Use it to keep your old lock hardware in one safe and sealed place. If you ever want to reinstall it somewhere else, you’ll need the old screws and as...
The way to remove all types of bike chain links like a complete master. First, look for the chain’s most vital part (Master Link) and place the pliers in a way that puts the two jaws in the holes on the link’s sides, make sure the master link is between the pliers’ jaws. Put...
Schlage / Schlage NFC can also be used to store digital keys that can unlock everything from your front door to your hotel room. For your home, you’ll needa compatible smart lock; however, many of the readers used in office campuses and hotels already use NFC. This means that you may...