When it comes to old cars with metal bumpers, rust is a fact of life unless the bumpers have been properly cared for over the years. Often, bumpers need to be repainted to restore their appearance. Painting them is relatively easy, cheaper than chrome plating and can easily be done in a...
Wipe or wash off any excess chrome cleaner. The chrome bumper should look clean and shiny and be free of any marks or rust. Step 3 Apply wax to the chrome bumper by wiping the wax in a circular motion with a slightly damp towel. Allow the wax to dry completely (about 5 to 10 minut...
Car wraps can damage paint if the vehicle has rust spots or aged surfaces. Installing vinyl wraps on new, clean surfaces is always best to preserve them longer. You may encounter the need to touch up painted areas on some vehicles. Still, it generally occurs around edges and corners, especi...
If a wrap kit contains multiple pieces or your truck’s bumper covers are difficult to remove, installers must account for this. Increased labor or intricacy are all but sure to add to the cost of your wrap installation. Similarly, a four-door crew cab will likely require more material ...
Rub a non-abrasive metal or chrome polish, such as Simonize, on the nickel-plated finish. Buff it well to restore it to a shiny finish. references & resources A simple trick can pull out a dent without drilling or pulling. If your car bumper is dented, there is an effective and simpl...
In the case of dilapidated chrome finishes, like you might find on the bumper of a frequently-driven car, you may have a build-up of rust on part of the surface. A cleaner will not scrub this rust away. You'll need to use something mechanical like steel wool to try to fix this pro...
Sandblasting is a great way to remove rust or paint from a material. By using an abrasive medium and pressurized air, a sandblaster quickly cleans a surface and leaves it like new. Before beginning, you need to make sure... How to Paint Chrome Bumpers Give your chrome bumper a makeover...
Old enamel badges or hood ornaments are exposed to weather elements for many years. Over the course of time, these badges may begin to fade, loosing the original color and shine. To restore an enamel badge, you can take it to a professional auto body res