Method 1.How to Add No Right Click to All Your WordPress Images The easiest way to protect your images is by usingNo Right Click Images. This free plugin allows you to disable right-clicking for images only, so users can still right-click on your other content including links. You can a...
barcodeWriter.Renderer = new ZXing.Mobile.BitmapRenderer(); var bitmap = barcodeWriter.Write(text); var stream = new MemoryStream(); bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 100, stream); // this is the diff between iOS and Android stream.Position = 0; byte[] imageData = stream.T...
Press the Windows key + I on your keyboard to open the Settings menu. In the Settings menu, click on Bluetooth & devices in the left sidebar. Scroll down in the right pane and click on the Touchpad section. Under Gestures & interaction, you'll see several touchpad gesture options. Check...
IGameExplorer::RemoveGame Method guidType Simple Type (Windows) DXGI_RGB structure (Windows) ID3DBlob interface (Windows) PFNDPACOMPARECONST function pointer (Windows) PNRPINFO_V2 structure (Windows) MIBEntryGetNext callback function (Windows) InterlockedAnd64Release function (Windows) Int64ToSIZET fu...
Ok. Everyone has given answers with tricks but i think the right way to achieve this is by Connecting the following action to the "Did End On Exit" event in Interface Builder. (right-click the TextField and cntrl-drag from 'Did end on exit' to the following method. -(IBAction)hideThe...
To use it, you have to select it in the “Screen Recording” long-press menu in the control center However, the obvious downside to using this is that it doesn’t replace the native screenshot button gesture. All the screenshots you take using the Side and Volume button will still be ta...
Why remove the Google Search bar? If you don't use the search bar, it takes precious space that you could otherwise use for more shortcuts or widgets. Especially now that many phones are set to launch Google Assistant automatically from the power button, the search bar is getting increasingl...
Next, theswitchstatement checksevt.typeand shunts control flow to themousedown/MSPointerDownclause. To ensure that the active circle is always on top of all the others, we simply remove and then append it to the DOM (the last element appended is always the last/top element re...
In this post, you'll learn how to remove Vivo lock via simple steps. These methods work with Vivo Y11, Vivo Y2, Vivo Y20, and other versions.
PressWin + Ion your keyboard to open the Settings menu. Once it opens, clickBluetooth & devicesin the left sidebar. Scroll down in the right pane and click on theTouchpadsection. UnderGestures & interaction, you'll see several touchpad gesture options. ...