You may be able to use greywater from a dehumidifier to water plants. © A portable dehumidifier can consume 160 kilowatt hours per month (kWh) -- that's more than your refrigerator eats up. However, it does burn less energy than the average air conditioner...
After you’ve read everything, it’s time to take action. Start by removing everything from the refrigerator. To keep everything cool, put perishables inside aportable cooler, ideally with ice cubes. For the glass removal to work properly, the refrigerator must be fully empty, including all...
With a run-of-the-mill permanent magnet, like the ones holding the family dog's picture to the refrigerator, the atoms always align, and the strength of the magnet is constant. Did you know that you can take away the sticking power of a permanent magnet by dropping it? The impact can...
The refrigerator compressor is both a motor and a pump that move the refrigerant through the system. Temperature sensors signal the compressor to start when the temperature inside the refrigerator rises above its set point. No refrigerator is completely airtight; cold air leaks out, and warmer air...
If food in your fridge is slowly beginning to spoil, you might notice the recent warm-up of your appliance is accompanied by an occasional clicking noise. The bad news is that your refrigerator is in immediate need of repairs, and the good news is that you can diagnose it pretty easily....
As the main component of the refrigerator, it’s not surprising that this is one of the most expensive parts to replace. There is a chance that the relay switch inside the unit has worn out. This $50 part might do the trick for an inexpensive fix. However, if the compressor itself is...
Signs and Symptoms of a Bad Start Relay on a Refrigerator Step 1: Turn OFF the Power Turn off the power to the air conditioner. Usually, there will be a block fuse or local circuit breaker located in a box near the outdoor air conditioner unit — shutting off the power requires you to...