I integrate Celery to distribute tasks and use Redis as result backend. Now everything works. But after running some tasks, Redis is full of results which have been read. How can I remove these results after reading them. I want something like this: async_result.get_and_delete() I have...
Redis Slave Tree 通过docker启动一个slave docker run-d--rm \--name myredis \-v `pwd`/data:/data:rw \-p0.0.0.0:6379:6379\ redis:5\ redis-server--appendonly yes--maxclients100000--replicaof10.176.154.396379 集群模式 从redis 3.0版本开始支持,并逐步完善,且是官方推荐的支持分布式横向scale的solu...
You can capture every Redis operation using the Redis Database (RDB) method. This lets you designate snapshot intervals and record data at certain points in time. However, that running container from our initialdocker runcommand is using port 6379. You should remove (or stop) this container be...
How to remove k__BackingField from Json data 当用DataContractJsonSerializer类序列化对象为Json时,发现序列化后的json对象,每个属性都带有k__BackingField后缀,像这样: 解决办法:为要被序列化的类打上相应标记,像下面这样: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [Serializable] [DataContract] publicclassPerso...
In Redis, sorted sets are a data type similar to sets in that both are non repeating groups of strings. The difference is that each member of a sorted set is…
I install redis on my Yii2 application, i am using redis session, is working ofline perfectly but when try to login as user online after add the user details it will bring blank page, not until i refresh more than two or three time before it will login, and if i remove redis se...
I know there are two ways to clear the Redis database. FLUSHALLRemove all keys from all databases; # redis-cli flushall FLUSHDBRemove all keys from the current database # redis-cli -p 6000 select 0# redis-cli flushdb This operation isquite dangerous,please make sure to exclude the producti...
to remove a single key that contains a string value (1). Redis is single-threaded, so using keys cmd is extremely risky for performance and is strongly discouraged in production environments when the number of keys is greater. Since keys cmd will block all other operations on redis and all...
One of the best EASY approach to remove RESP.app (formerly RedisDesktopManager) is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Take the following steps on how to do this:1. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO on your system, add it. This is a good step because Advanced...
Redis comes with three commands used to remove members from a set:spop,srem, andsmove. spoprandomly selects a specified number of members from a set and returns them, similar tosrandmember, but then deletes them from the set. It accepts the name of the key containing a set and the numbe...