use adjustable pliers. Some aerators are recessed inside the spout, and these "cache" aerators usually require a special tool for removal. Before you go to the hardware store to buy one, put on a rubber glove and try unscrewing the aerator by pushing your finger inside...
Aclogged aeratoris the most common cause of reduced water flow. Unscrew the aerator, and backflush it under the tap or soak it overnight in a bowl of vinegar to descale it if necessary. If the aerator is recessed and you can't grip it with pliers, you may need to purchase an inexpens...
Recessed ceiling canister lights pose special problems for a homeowner bent on making a home more energy-efficient. The older types are extremely leaky and are difficult to make airtight. Because of regulations concerning fire safety, the best you can do is to build an airtight box of flame-re...
This provides adequate cooling, but the compressor runs more quietly and for a longer period of time, which gives the system more of an opportunity to remove moisture from the air. The lower the humidity indoors, the higher you're likely to set the thermostat, which results in energy savings...
Those components that come into contact with water may first require a special surface treatment to remove any remaining lead. This involves a leaching process that eliminates lead molecules from the brass surface. The conventional finish is chrome since this material is most resistant against ...