It’s normal for pets to have accidents. Luckily there are things we can do to clean up and remove the smell. If you’re dealing with a pet stain on your carpet, whether it’spoop, urine, or vomit, immediate deep cleaning can usually bring your carpet back to great condition. Even i...
Having a baby is one of the greatest moments in a parent’s life …that also brings stains and odors you never knew existed. Yes, life with a baby is messy, but worth it. See easy tips for how to clean 5 common baby messes. How to Remove Poop Stains from Clothes and Cloth Diapers...
Conversely, you want to remove elimination scents as much as possible from the places that you don't want your dog to go. If your puppy has an accident, clean the area as soon as possible with an enzyme-based cleaner. Avoid products with ammonia as their primary ingredient, because the ...
You don’t have to get frustrated because of the smell of urine. We’ll share a few ways how to get dog pee smell out of concrete. Here are some of the simple things that you can do to successfully remove the smell from your concrete floor. Removing Dog Urine Odor in your Concrete...
Use a handheld carpet cleaner.As long as you’re careful not to oversaturate anything, a handheld carpet cleaner can do wonders to remove dog odor in the car! Get Rid Of Dog Smell How to Make Your Dog Smell Better Lastly, it won’t matter how clean your home or car is if your dog...
If you'd rather go the natural, do-it-yourself route, you can look to the same solution used to remove skunk smell from dog fur to keep your dog from peeing on your carpet — vinegar. Why does vinegar work to stop dogs from urinatingon things? The acetic acid in it has a smell do...
Mrs. Clean: Removing Pet Stains Quickly and Easily from Carpet Frederick Cat Vet: Top Ten Litter Box Tips onur ersin/iStock/Getty Images If you're a cat owner, you've probably asked the age-old question at some point: how often am I supposed to change my cat's litter?
It keeps a week or more of dirty litter while managing the smell. When it’s full, you remove the bag, toss it in the garbage, and put a new bag in. Super simple.Cleaning the Litter BoxIt’s a good idea to dump and disinfect your litter box every couple of weeks or so....
4. True or false: To this day, no airline accident has been definitively linked to cell phone use. True. To this day, no airline accident has been definitively linked to cell phone use. These airplane mode rules are potentially a holdover from a time when we didn't fully understand the...
2. Cat Poop Can Be Harmful If you’re gardening or pulling weeds from your flower bed, the last thing you want to do is stick your hand in a pile of cat droppings. Not only is it disgusting, but it’s also completely unsanitary. Cat poop can carry lots of nasty bacteria that could...