Interior glue was much harder to remove than exterior glue. Dental floss, solvents, heat didn't help much for the interior box. I used picture hanging wire to 'saw' through the adhesive and it worked but did leave some small scratches in my glass. If I were to do it over, I'd try...
At first blush, using wood filler may seem like a messy process, but precise results are not only possible, they are also in fact rather easy to achieve. It’s important to note, however, that wood filler is intended strictly for superficial issues, such as scratches and gouges. If the ...
Remove scratches, clean spots, and restore your kitchen sink's shine using a few pantry staples. Follow these steps for how to clean a stainless steel sink.
These are highly effective double-sided scratch-resistant gloves that can hold a lot of soap and water to make your cleaning even easier. They are resistant to heat, petroleum, and detergents, with a high-impact mesh helps to quickly remove bugs along with dirt on the windshield. If the be...
plastic or vinyl car dashboard, chances are you can get away with using a product likeMeguiar’s Ultimate Black Plastic Restorerand a microfiber cloth. But for deep scratches on your car’s interior, you will need to forego the off-the-shelf approach, and source the following items prior...
Otherwise use a can of compressed air to dust the blades and the interior; wipe with a cotton cloth sprayed with an all-purpose cleaner. Toothbrushes: Every other week, swirl each toothbrush in ¼ cup warm water and ¼ cup baking soda. Let soak overnight, then rinse. Toss and ...
Next, you will need to clean the interior of your car windows. Since this is where the window tint film will be applied, the interior should be even cleaner than the exterior. Spray the glass cleaner generously on the window surface and wipe it with the lint-free cleaning cloth. For the...
6. Litter Boxes Will Need to Be Replaced As They Get Scratched Up: Scratches in the plastic harbor bacteria and smell. Find out how often you should replace your cat's litter boxes and how to clean them well Cat Behavior Issues Caused by the Wrong Litter Box You might be surprised to...
Remove mats and vacuum everything—seats, carpets, cup holders, and even under the pedals. 3. Wipe down surfaces Clean the plastic, vinyl and leather surfaces with a damp microfibre cloth and a special interior cleaner or antibacterial spray. Avoid products that leave a gloss finish, and don...
Then, attendants completely clean and polish the car, normally applying wax and using a tool called a buffer to remove the wax and polish the car. Detail shops are often able to remove dull paint and small scratches, steam clean carpets and seats, brighten chrome, remove tar and perform a...