Take a look atthis videowhich summarises the main things to check beforestarting a petrol engine lawnmower. If you haven’t yet chosen your new lawnmower, in this article you will find a rundown of thedifferent types of lawnmowers on the market, differentiated by power source, propulsion ...
letting in the oil. After you have done both these steps and still find no error you can the assume that your piston rings have gone bad. To remove the rings a tool called a ring compressor should be used, but two pairs of pliers can also work(just do not push the rings to far)....
How to get the most out of your brushcutter How-To's & Guides Tips for a bee-friendly garden How-To's & Guides How to start a petrol brushcutter How-To's & Guides How to change to a grass blade on your battery brushcutter How-To's & Guides Husqvarna Automower® - Fr...
Shut off the fuel supply and disconnect the spark plug wire, if one exists. Remove the housing and the wing nut attaching the filter, and remove the outer element. Use a can of compressed air to remove debris. #3.Remove the carburetor. Remove any covering plate or shield, as well as l...
I think petrol will become an expensive niche product over time when only gas guzzlers lawnmowers and motorcycles use it. It just needs a govt that will call a spade a spade and start taxing gas guzzlers directly. That's if policy is to steer consumer choice. A ArthurDent3 Member Oct ...