{ test: /.js$/, use: ['babel-loader'], exclude: /node_modules/(?!(cnchar|cnchar-trad)/)./ } yeat.I had changed for this,but it did not work too. could you give me a demo in the github? 发自我的iPhone … --- Original --- From: James Johnson <notifications@github.com> ...
To run a local version of the blog, simply install wheat and it's dependencies, node.JS v0.1.101 or later.If you have spark installed, just type spark in this directory. If not, append .listen(3000) right before the closing semicolon and run it with node app.js...
GitHub Actionsare packaged scripts to automate tasks in a software-development workflow in GitHub. You can configure GitHub Actions to trigger complex workflows that meet your organization's needs. The trigger can happen each time developers check new source code into a specific branch, at timed...
If you exclude a pattern from being ignored, yournode_modulesfolder might still get matched when running ESLint. If you have a pattern such as!.*in your.eslintignorefile, remove it and make your pattern more specific so it doesn't match yournode_modulesdirectory. Make sure your.eslintrc,...
Follow these steps to build Composer from source and run it locally:Clone the Composer repository: Windows macOS / Linux 主控台 複製 git clone https://github.com/microsoft/BotFramework-Composer.git Switch to the Composer directory: Windows macOS / Linux 主控台 複製 cd BotFramework-Composer...
100 K8s Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - 上mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YPOt0hbcd88KnnqRTxej2g 欢迎关注我的公众号: 流心知识,获取最新的文章 #1 为什么资源删不掉-关于Finalizers 刚接触到 k8s 的同学会经常遇到资源删不掉的问题,明明执行了kubectl delete命令,可是一会发现被删除的资源还保留在集群里,并且一...
Learning how to do things is difficult, and I tend to forget it. I'll take a note about them, and as I write them it will help me to make the global vision
data node_modules package-lock.json package.json repositConnector.js root@35b518b7b518:/home/reposit# Export Azure DevOps TFVC repo to Github Step 1: Azure TFVC Repo -> Azure Git Repo https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/learn/git/migrate-from-tfvc-to-git ...
Node Versions Path: /usr/local/n/versions How n gets a new version: Downloads Binary Node tar.gz file for platform How n switches versions: Copies files from /usr/local/n/versions/ to /usr/local/ nvm at a glance GitHub: https://github.com/creationix/nvm Install: curl https://raw.gi...
The nodejs-legacy package installs a node symlink that is needed by many modules to build and run correctly. The Node.js modules available in the distribution official repositories do not need it. Supported Linux Mint versions: ...