Winter salt will destroy your chain in double-quick time so stay on top of cleaning and lubing. Alternatively you can fit an autolube system such as a Scottoiler to lube your motorcycle chain without using a stand. These devices automatically meter a precise amount of oil to the chain, and...
One place where you can still see the influence of the radial engine concept is in the two-cylinder engine of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The engine from a Harley can be thought of as two cylinders from a radial engine. It can be thought of, in a way, as two pistons from a radial...
You can also use your upper body weight to lean forward, backward and to either side to guide the tractor straight down the track. Using a Remote Starter Cart - To reduce weight on a garden pulling tractor, remove all starting mechanisms, install a small motorcycle battery or a small, ...
A one-wheel pulley allows you to change the direction of the force you have to apply to lift the load by pulling down to lift a load upwards. Similarly, a two-wheel pulley splits the weight equally so that each holds only half the weight, allowing you to lift the same weight with ...
The barrel, when laid in the frame, sagged through a few inches and sat on and conflicted with the axle. I solved the conflict by bowing the axle down to conform with the barrel before I welded the axle in place. The wheel barrel wheels had heavy-duty bearings and the hole for the ...
Is there an alternative to this Kryptonite doodad I should consider? How would you create a secure spot to chain a scooter or motorcycle to? I’d prefer not to dig a hole and pour in concrete, but I’ll consider it. (How do I even dig a hole through the aggregate?) Thanks!