Method 6 – Build a VBA Function to Remove Last Digit Steps: Create a new macro namedRemove_last_digit_2. PressOK. Step IntotheRemove_last_digit_2macro following way shown in the previous method. Or, pressAlt+F8. Copy the following code in the command window: Function RemoveLastDigit(inpu...
Removing the last word from a cell in Excel is a common task that can be used to clean data, extract specific information, and prepare data for analysis or further processing. However, it can be difficult to identify the exact position of the last word, especially when dealing with varying ...
While I have showcased an example of how to remove the last digit from a number in Excel, you can use the same steps to remove any number of digits from a number from the beginning or the end, or any number of characters from a text string from the beginning or the end using Flash ...
Read More: How to Remove First Character in Excel Method 2 – Use the LEFT and LEN Functions to Separate the Last Character In the Course No column, different course names have been created with the Department Name and number. To extract the Department from this Course No, you have to ...
You can use this same formula to remove other characters from a string of values in Excel. You can also use the Right function, where you tell Excel to delete the numbers on the left and keep the numbers on the right. You would specify the number of numbers you want to be deleted ...
Find the last positive / negative number with array formula If you need to find the last positive or negative number in a list of values, you can also apply array formula. 1. Please type the following formula into a blank cell next to your data, =LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307, IF($A$2...
Also read:How to Remove the Last Digit in Excel? Removing Decimals by Rounding If you would also like to round off the decimal number while removing it, there are a number of functions that Excel offers for this: INT ROUND ROUNDUP
2] Remove dashes in Excel by using the Find and Replace method This method does not work if a particular format is already applied to your cells, say SSN (Social Security Number) format. In such a case, you can remove dashes by using the other methods explained in this post or by rem...
In Excel 365 and 2021, this one will also work: TEXTJOIN("", TRUE, IFERROR(MID(cell, SEQUENCE(LEN(cell)), 1) *1, "")) At first sight, the formulas may look a bit intimidating, but they do work :) For example, to remove text from numbers in A2, enter one of the below formu...
2.1 Remove last N characters with LEFT function Formula syntax and arguments Formula: =LEFT(string_cell,LEN(string_cell)-Num_chars) Reference: string_cell: the cell you use to remove characters n_character: the number of characters you want to remove ...