I'm assuming you mean the nib is angled relative to the grooves on the back of the feed. To remove a friction fit nib/feed assembly from the section takes patience and care. Since they are not coming apart easily, try soaking in warm (not...
It’s important to remove the air as this will dry the ink out quicker and possibly clog up your feed. After you’ve removed the air, open your bottled ink of choice and insert the fountain pen nib inside. When you insert the nib into the ink, make sure you completely cover the ...
Basically, if the pens were in working condition, you'd stick the un-capped pen nib down into the ink so the the nib and part of the section (the part you hold while writing) are entirely immersed, but not as far as the threading. Press down on the plunger quickly but then let up...
One could say that a dipped nib creates an excellent representation of writing with that particular nib dipped. For most of my formal ink reviews (as if there really is such a thing), I use Lamy Safari or Al-Star to form a good basis for comparison. pentulant [adjective]: immodest or...
I have a white Lamy Dialog 3. It's a retractable pen, so it has no cap threads to worry about. The nib/feed mechanism unscrews from the body of the pen for filling and cleaning, so the body of the pen never really gets near ink. ...