We have made it simple for beginners to understand all the basics of heat transfer vinyl (also known as HTV) with this easy-to-follow guide. We have also included some helpful tips so you have no problems getting started using heat transfer vinyl to make your first shirt. Then in no tim...
Also visit: how to remove vinyl from a shirt Baking Soda: Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can help lift stains and dirt from slub fabrics. To use baking soda, sprinkle some baking soda on the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then brush off the baking soda and wash the fab...
but it can withstand high heat from a heat press, iron, or Cricut EasyPress). Whenever you cut heat transfer vinyl the carrier sheet (shiny side) will be facedown on your mat. You also have to mirror the design before you hit cut!
Below are tips for how to remove the spots caused by gas dripping and causing spots on fabric, as well as a video focusing on removing the gas smell from clothing. Whenever you try to clean up fabric from a spill or splash the most important thing to remember is safety. The more gasoli...
We have an old wood table that has been used and abused for years. Bringing it out over the holidays for card playing, I commented how badly damaged it was and wished I knew how to remove the hideous white heat stains that marred the top. While talking I’m quickly covering the surfac...
However, you don't have to slave for hours trying to get the blood stain out. Just use a quick and easy trick to turn the pain into a distant memory! To remove spots of blood from clothing, use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide — the kind you find in the first-aid sec...
When you have to do this to any vinyl/plastic doll cover the eyes as the sun and, the benzyl peroxide/pimple cream can damage this as well. NEVER use nail polish remover on a dolls face. They look creepy without makeup. Rubbing alcohol and, hand sanitizer will remove Sharpie ink from ...
Don’t heat or iron the screen printing directly as that will only set the ink into the fabric and make it even harder to remove. If you have to use chemicals to remove the screen printing, consider the associated hazards and weigh them against the cost of a new shirt. If buying a ne...
Learn how to remove tape residue (from duct tape, double-sided tape, and more)! We have a large selection of high performance, specialty adhesive tapes.
How to Remove Soap Spots From: Copper, Coral, Cork, Fiberglass, Glass, Gold, Grout, Iron, Ivory, Jade, Linoleum, Marble, Opal, Paint (flat or gloss), Pearls, Pewter, Platinum, Plexiglas, Polyurethane, Porcelain, Rope, Stainless Steel, Tin, Vinyl and Clothing. Rinse well with a sponge...