When he was four years old, Kaori's son Kaili was diagnosed with autism, a complex neurological disorder that affects her family enrolled in the Navy's Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), a mandatory enrollment program designed to assist Sailors by addressing the special needs of their fam...
Under Marine Corps Order P1754.4A, enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for all Marines who have a family member with a disability. Taking care of their own: a Marine sergeant in need learns the meaning of the word "brotherhood". (Mobility 2001: enhances daily living activities) Appendices an...
Visit your local Military and Family Support Center (https://installations.militaryonesource.mil) to request an EFMP FNA or to learn more about DD Form 3054. MAKING THE MOST OF EFMP FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES WITH THE EFMP FAMILY NEEDS ASSESSMENT Dozens of employers are scheduled to be at a job...