Use your DNA for more-intense genealogy research (and take control of your data) by downloading your raw results from AncestryDNA.
The most common one is known as Autosomal DNA. This will reveal where your family derives from and is sometimes referred to as a DNA ethnicity test. Any gender can take it and receive similar types of results. It is able to let you know in what part of the world your ancestors were f...
How is probability related to genetics and heredity? My Ancestry DNA results are, 9% Irish and 15% British. No one in my family has the slightest idea of where my Irish or British DNA stems from. How far back does this ethnicity trace?
birthplaces often had to be proven to obtain a pension, so either a record of the birth or one or more sworn affidavits from people who knew the applicant, will be included to give the pension board the proof they needed to grant the request. Because birthplaces are often proven in these...
The information that goes public might be close to the bone, quite literally. For example, your DNA might appear online without your knowledge. Online services based on genes and genealogy, such as 23andMe,, GEDmatch, and MyHeritage, have been gaining in popularity of late (incid...
The results of your test will tell you which haplotype you belong to. From that, your testing company will be able to predict your haplogroup. One company, Family Tree DNA, will automaticallly confirm your haplogroup with additional testing if needed. [NOTE: My links to other sites open in...
Where AncestryDNA excels however, is a new feature called Genetic Communities. This combines DNA results with geographic information from hundreds of thousands of family trees. It’s a clever way to place us in more recent subgroups than what the ethnic ancestry reports reveal. It will only get...
Take a puff of nicotine for the first time, and your DNA plays an important role, alongside social and environmental factors, in shaping what happens next. Ad In recent years, scientists have identified thousands of genetic variants believed to influence everything from when people first try smok...
First things first:“I’m new to DNA testing or plan to buy more tests for family members, how do I find an Ancestry DNA coupon – or coupons from MyHeritageDNA or Family Tree DNA?” We see this question a lot. The simple answer is,you usually can’t(the exceptionbeing Ancestry DNA...
this, a DNA molecule is cut into smaller pieces and then used as a template for a particular strand of RNA that has been copied from the DNA’s matching complementary strand. This RNA is then able to match up with each piece of DNA and can be read off slowly, one letter at a time...