I haven't come to you only to take , I haven't come to you empty handed : I bring you poetry as great as yours but in anther tongue , I bring you black eyes and golden skin and curly hair , I bring you Islam and Luxor and Alexandria and Lutes and tambourines and date-palms an...
My test site is on a shared server. Server response time was an issue that kept coming up. I often had very low scores because of server response time. I would have to rerun the test just to get a score without a server issue. I knew I needed to upgrade the hosting plan to a bet...
in gratitude. Know your inner self so that you are not part of those who say “Lord, Lord” in the Last Day. Do real Works of selflessness, which can be regarded as “Good” in response to the “love & “selflessness”
While blinking her eyes and flapping her ears just like a real elephant, Ellie will appear in schools across India to tell children the story of real elephants who are separated from their mothers as babies and describe the physical punishments they endure in the circus. Ellie’s “personal” ...
The baby needs to take it only twice on the day of his birth. Sarah: Do they put anything in the baby's mouth? Mother: Yes they do wash the baby's mouth with kola nut juice to remove the under-tongue of the baby. If this is not done, it is believed that when he/she grows ...
“For I will remove both the righteous and the wicked from the land”. Things had gotten so bad in Old Testament Israel, that God declared that He would remove EVEN the righteous from the land, and remove them FIRST! Christian, WAKE UP! THAT’S YOU God is talking to! He WILL REMOVE...
- This is a military intelligence forecast regarding the global earth changes that will occur in the time frame of 2012-2050. It is given by a former intelligence officer. It reveals the deception behind the myth of global warming, and discusses the tr
If America had just a hundred like him – we might be in hope of ridding ourselves of this horrid Jew curse. He has the GUTS to take a stand against the stinking Godless lying demonic Jews. What have YOU ever done to preserve our freedoms from a mortal enemy? You have spewed your ...
The aim of this study was to examine the curvilinear relationship between tangible investment and sustainable firm growth in the MENA region, as well as the moderating role of financial inclusion on this connection. To achieve this, we selected a sample of 465 firms over the period 2007–2020....