Singer Rita Ora revealed that she’s not a huge fan of toilets, and feels an existential dread every time she goes to the bathroom. “I always feel that when I go to the toilet that something’s going to come out of the bottom,” Oranoted. “I have this thing where I think this ...
You can always repair your broken nails with a tea bag, coffee filter, or silk patch if you need a quick fix, but those methods are not without their faults. None of those materials are resistant to acetone, so when you remove your nail polish, your nail will break all over again. Wa...
It surprised me really. It is more runny whereas the others were more gel like. The others you brush on, let sit a few minutes, then remove. My choice to remove the finish is steel wool and then old tshirts. The Klean Strip, however, you apply with the steel wool and start rubbing...
To me, sewing on black mesh sounds way easier than trying to apply (and then remove) eye-area black grease paint on a 4-year-old and a 6-year-old. Even though the bundle contained lots more fabric than I needed, at $2.25 it was still a bargain. Second Week of October: Try to ...