Wash your foot with soap and mild water. Use a washcloth or pumice stone to rub away to soft top layer of skin on your corn, if any suck skin is present.Dry your feet with a clean towel. Apply the corn pad to dry skin so your corn rests in the hole in the center.Corn pads cu...
When the plant reaches the desired height–usually no taller than its support, 4 or 5 feet is good–consistently pinch out all new growing tips. In a week or so time, the plant will quit trying to put out new growth at the topmost part of the plant and concentrate on new growth and...
Swish to create a great volume of suds. Apply only the foam with a sponge. Wipe dry with a clean dry cloth. If an oily stain remains: Powder the stain with an absorbent such as cornmeal. Give it plenty of time to work. Gently brush it off. Repeat if necessary. On leather only, ...
HOW TO PREVENT BLISTERS ON FEET Chafing on your feet and ankles usually manifests into blisters, which take a while to heal. Avoid uncomfortable rubbing by wearing well-fitted shoes and sweat-wicking athletic socks that cover any bare skin against the shoe. Finding the right running shoe is ...
Tune a radio to a rock station and set it in the middle of your garden and/or corn patch. Leave it on all night. The noise will scare away the raccoons. Put lights in the garden. A bright lantern will sometimes keep Sun-shy raccoons away. ...
Corn that goes through drought stress around the time of pollination might not get pollinated properly. Even if your soil has been amended with compost early in the season, it’s a good idea to give your corn a boost with a high-nitrogen fertilizer when it reaches about 2 feet tall. ...
Consider carrying a travel-size bottle with you or stash one at work to use throughout the day. When considering a body powder, always look for talc free powders. Alternatively, you can use baking soda or cornstarch. 4. SWEAT ABSORBING TOWEL OR HANKY ...
Corn requires 6 to 8 hours of direct sun each day. Corn can take from 60 to 100 days to reach harvest depending upon variety and the amount of heat during the growing season. Corn is a tender annual and a member of the grass family that can grow from 4 to 12 feet (1.2-3.6m) tal...
Wash the article of clothing as you normally would, using a small amount of bleach if the fabric can tolerate it. The “hot waterfall” also works to loosenfruit and berry stains. It works withred wineif you first sprinkle a little salt on the stain. For more tips on how to remove re...
Use corn pads to relieve pressure. Apply salicylic acid to help dissolve corns and calluses. Be sure to follow directions carefully so you don’t damage healthy skin. Never use acid treatments on your feet if you have diabetes. Wear prescription foot orthotics. When should I see my doctor?