I have recently started using “worm tea” to cover the old coffee grounds instead of tap water as I think there could be some colonisation of the grounds with friendly bacteria from the “worm tea”. The thinking is that the bacteria will start consuming the grounds as a nutrient and ener...
Open the handle and locate the two top brewer needles. You may need to tilt the appliance slightly for easy needle access. Use the paper clip to remove coffee grounds in the entrance and exit needles under the handle. The Spruce / Ana Cadena Wash Components Wash the tray, diffuser, and w...
How Used Coffee Grounds Could Make Some Food More Healthful
Should you use your old coffee grounds orleftover coffee? Although coffee grounds will work, coffee itself is more effective. This may be because it’s easier to soak the soil with caffeinated liquid. Coffee grounds are abrasive, so snails and slugs don’t enjoy crawling across them, but ca...
To remove sticky labels from glass, plastic, or metal, soak the item in a sink full of warm water and 1/2 cup of washing soda for 30 minutes — the label and sticky residue will slide right off! To remove sticker residue, tape residue, and other types of adhesive, spread a generous...
Time to Shine Remove the plunger from your French press, then fill the maker with some warm water. Swirl the water around to loosen the coffee grounds. Hold a mesh strainer over your kitchen sink, and quickly pour the water and grounds into it. The water will drain into your sink, leavi...
Proper use of the garbage disposal, including watching what you put into it, is crucial if you want to avoid standing water in the sink. Certain items, such as fibrous or starchy vegetables, coffee grounds and greasy and oily foods, are almost guaranteed to gum up the disposal and the pip...
How to clean your Keurig coffeemaker Materials needed: Water White vinegar ordescaling solution Dish soap and access to a sink A mug Estimated time: About one hour 1. Wash all removable parts A Keurig has several removable parts where old coffee grounds and spills can hide. Wash all removable...
This bit of advice is an oldie but a goodie: Make sure the public Wi-Fi you're using is encrypted and secure. Public Wi-Fi networks can be accessed by anyone, so they're prime feeding grounds for thieves looking to steal your information. Also, do your best to avoid making financial ...
(Tech Xplore)—Across continents, people are concerned about how to address harmful CO2 emissions in the environment. Now there is news that some London buses will run on a biofuel partially made from old coffee grounds. ...