You may have gotten your period in the middle of the night and now need to remove blood stains on your sheets. Whatever the case may be, if you need to get blood stains out of clothing or sheets, OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover can help give your items a reset! Or, if you’...
If the blood stain persists after washing, repeat the previous steps before tossing in the dryer, as drying will set the stain. For alternative steps and extra tips on how to remove blood stains, watch the following video for other blood removal tips. Advanced Care for Dried Blood St...
Here is a round up of tips and recommendations for stain removers when trying to figure out how to remove blood stains from clothing, carpet, upholstery, and other areas of your home.Stains are a fact of life, but fortunately other people have been in your shoes before.This...
Removing blood stains with salt ✦ Time is of the essence when learning how to remove blood stains from clothes: the sooner you can treat it, the better. ✦ Create a paste with salt and cold water. ✦ Rub directly onto the stain, ideally within 10-15 minutes of the stain...
Learn how to get rid of blood stains from clothes and furniture with the one simple household product ER nurses swear by. Here's how to remove blood stains.
Don’t let set-in stains prevent you from rocking your favorite clothes! Learn how to pre-treat and remove set-in stains on clothes to bring your laundry items back to life. What Are Set-in Stains? When a stain “sets in,” it latches onto clothing fibers and absorbs into the fabric...
No matter what you call it, cola/soda/pop is useful when you need to remove blood stains. All you have to do is soak the stain, ideally overnight, in the soda. Then, wash as normal. Yet another method for removing blood from clothing is to wet the stained area of...
Wash the article of clothing as you normally would, using a small amount of bleach if the fabric can tolerate it. The “hot waterfall” also works to loosenfruit and berry stains. It works withred wineif you first sprinkle a little salt on the stain. For more tips on how to remove re...
Okay, brace yourself for this next one. Here it goes … spit on the stain! That's right, your own saliva is one of the best and safest ways to remove blood stains. It makes sense when you think about it, though. It's a digestive enzyme, so it literally goes to work eating away...
As with bloodstains on clothing, the first step in combatting fresh bloodstains on carpet is to remove the excess moisture. This can be be done using a dry towel. If the stain is set, using a steel or nylon brush and a little cold water, gently rub to the stain to loosen it. Keep...