QUICK PULL TIP: Using a 3/8 breaker bar vs a 3/8 ratchet to pull and release the tension of the belt tensioner to remove belt will allow for better leverage. STEPS FOR REMOVAL: 1. Remove the serpentine belt by inserting a 3/8 ratchet into the square hole on the ...
Remove the two Torx head bolts at the top and four 10mm bolts in the body of the timing belt cover. Remove the timing belt cover. Using carb cleaner, spray down the cam sprocket and crank pulley so you can see the timing marks clearly. Bring the engine up to top dead center (TDC) ...
Step 4: remove belt, 14mm tensioner Step 5: Remove the banjo bolt. This might leak a little too. Discard the old double gasket thing and remove the union. it should come off easily. Step 6: Remove the 3 bolts holding the PS pump in place. The top "bolt" is a stud threaded ...
c. Once loose, the belt tensioner will swing freely, allowing the belt to be removed with ease. 4. Remove Belt Tensioner/Idler Arm a. Remove the dust cap over the Idler Arm Pulley(With Small Flat Head Screwdriver), to reaveal Torx Bolt. b. Using a #45 Torx bit remove the bolt, an...
Remove valve cover. timing belt tensioner, now you have access to the water pump. remember your timing marks before you remove. When installing timing belt hold camshafts with vise grips to align. installation opposite of removal. What I would further suggest is that you get a Haynes repair ...
First remove all plastic shields that block access to the balancer if any and then release to belt tensioner to remove the serpentine belt. At this time check the belt condition in case replacement is required during the job.Some cars have a pulley which bolts to the front of the balancer ...
You do not have to remove the deck. Put the belt on the front pulley and run it above the mower deck, through the belt tensioners, and back to the rear axle. To access the rear pulley, remove the battery and the battery holder so that you can see the pulley from above. Put the ...
Remove the power steering pump from its housing with the Phillips screwdriver, but do not disengage the attached hoses. Remove the generator from its housing with the Phillips screwdriver, but again do not disengage the wires attached to it. Remove the drive belt tensioner using the socket ...
7. Remove A/C belt tensioner from under car 2 13mm and 1 10mm bolt 8. LOOSEN primary bely tensioner 9. Move belts out of the way and hold Water pump pully with a strap wrench and use chanel-lok pliers to remove clutch fan LEFT HAND THREAD ...
If it does not, your tensioner may need to be replaced. Damaged Drum: If the noise coming from your dryer is coming from the drum, it may be time to replace the drum. To do this, you will need to remove the dryer panel and the drum. Once the drum is replaced, you can reinstall...