When I encounter the fat body in a video game, the disappointment that follows is so hot and pure that there is, as a matter of self-care, an urgent need to remove myself from the moment and get on a plane. I refuse to accept that in the world of prestige video games — AAA in...
Unsaturated fatmolecules, on the other hand, form irregular shapes and they do no stick to each other easily: the reason is simple, they have a chemical double bond that gives the fatty acid a less regular shape, so it is more difficult for them to stick together. We mostly get saturated...
Trim the top edge to remove the corner and round it out. Repeat with the other half-circle. Turn round side facing up and slice into very thin slices. Place two halves next to each other to form hearts on the plate. Crumble goat cheese and walnuts on top, drizzle with dressing, and ...
In some cases, the only effective way to get rid of loose skin is with surgery. Such procedures are called body-contouring surgery. Depending on where and how much loose skin there is to remove, this may require several surgeries over the course of a year or more. Body-contouring surgeries...
NOTE:I cut leaving a layer of fat next to the skin and most of the meat in the other layer. Melt butter in a large skillet; fry bread in hot butter stirring for 4 minutes. Stir in parsley, marjoram, cardamom, onion, salt and pepper; remove from heat. ...
Again, there is no one-size-fits-all way to keep deer out of your garden or yard. So before formulating plans, ask and answer these seven questions: 1. How large is the space you’re trying to protect from deer? For instance, protecting a rural 2 acre property is going to require ...
Note:It's always better to refrigerate your pork at the same time as the brine prior to curing, that way everything is at the same temperature when you start. With careful maintenance a brine for wet curing can be kept for months. It is essential however to remove all meat debris from...
It is for these reasons that it is imperative that we investigate further to determine how exactly the MCIoltS hijacks the brains of drivers, with the goal of either disabling the MCIoltS, or we may need to remove minivans from all roadways immediately. MCIoltS is a public safety hazard. ...
Remove ribs from pan and place on grill rack; close grill cover and cook about 45 to 60 minutes longer. Occasionally brush ribs with marinade from pan.BARBEQUE DRY RUB RECIPEIn learning how to barbeque you will want to find a favorite barbeque dry rub recipe; this is a great way to seas...
Some might tell you not to take this kind of chance. But I believe in removing obstacles to help people make good choices. It’s up to you to help an employer remove the obstacles to hiring you so they can experience what a great worker you are. But this is your choice: You must ...