approximately six feet away from the hummingbird feeder. Fill it with anextra-strength sugar solution. Anything that's stronger than a 5-to-1 water-to-sugar ratio is effective as a wasp and bee bait. The wasps and bees will choose
Clean Your Hummingbird Feeder To Keep Ants Away Ants are attracted to spilled nectar and other sugary residues, so it's important to keep the feeder clean and free of anything that will attract them in the first place. The more often you clean the feeder, the less often ants will be on...
How to Create Your own Hummingbird Feeder
Bees and wasps also love the taste of sweet hummingbird nectar. I have had them so thick around my feeder that the hummingbirds couldn’t even get close to feed. Once the bees have found your feeder there are a few tactics you can try to keep them away. I have even posted a video...
Baby food jar feedersare another great option. These small jars are the perfect size for a hummingbird feeder. Plus, they're easy to clean and refill. To make a feeder from a baby food jar, you'll need the jar, a lid with a hole in it, a small plastic cup (like the ones used...
This mid-size nectar feeder has a 12 oz. capacity and can be hung or post mounted with hardware provided. It has four feeding ports for hummingbirds and is made of unbreakable polycarbonate. Easy to clean. For ease of cleaning and protection from bees, wasps and ants,this feeder can’t...
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21. DIY Cedar Birdfeeder for Under $2 Bring your backyard to life with a simple yet stylish DIY cedar birdfeeder project! With a minimal investment of just $2, you can craft an impressive cedar birdfeeder that will be the envy of all feathered friends. ...
Great hub! Voted up, shared, and included a link in an article I wrote on bees that's on another site. Jason Menayanfrom San Francisco on May 04, 2012: Awesome! :) I can't believe you were able to do all of this without any gloves, and not get stung. Your bees love you alrea...
Again, there is no one-size-fits-all way to keep deer out of your garden or yard. So before formulating plans, ask and answer these seven questions: 1. How large is the space you’re trying to protect from deer? For instance, protecting a rural 2 acre property is going to require ...