When your bathtub drain gets dirty, it gets smelly and it can clog your tub. Depending on how the pipes are laid in your house, a clogged tub drain can also lead to a toilet backup or a backed-up tub in another bathroom. Cleaning your drain regularly and unclogging back ups can keep ...
To avoid having to remove your drain cover in the future, you can take certain steps to prevent clogging. Make sure you're careful about what goes down the drain, since large quantities of hair or dirt can cause issues. You should also establish a good cleaning routine with your bathtub. ...
With kitchen sinks seeing so many pots & pans, glasses, and silverware scrubbed every day, and each family member using the bathroom sink to wash, shave and brush their teeth, chances are that every now and then you’re going to run into a blocked drain. Blocked drains are a pain – ...
How to Reroute the Bathroom Plumbing 1. Cap Old Water Feeds Turn off the water supply before you begin, this is usually located in a utility room. Some older homes have only a meter shut off outside. Remove the fixtures and disconnect the water feeds and drains. Cap and seal all old w...
How to clean a bathroom sink drain in 7 easy steps 1. Remove any clogs or debris you can reach. First things first: if there’s an easy-to-spot and easy-to-reach clog (we’re talking clumps of hair, globs of toothpaste … you get the idea), use your fingers and/or any other ...
1. How to unblock a drain with baking soda and vinegar An easy one to try, which is effective and also uses two everyday household objects is baking soda and vinegar. These two natural cleaners are perfect for any drain, from the kitchen to the bathroom. Mix 1/3 of a cup of vinegar...
Soak your showerhead in vinegar to remove limescale. ✦ When removing soap scum, leave your shower cleaning product to work its magic for 20 minutes to an hour. Bathroom Cleaning Clothing Care Family Floor and Surface Cleaning In the home ...
Let the vinegar sit on the stains for a couple minutes and then scrub with a goodbathroom scrub brush. Rinse with clean water. This method should help remove even the most problem bathtub stains. Related Article:How to Clean Plastic Bathtub Stains ...
4. Check and clean drain pump filter on front-loading washers. Consult your owner’s manual for location. Every Three Months Wash dryer lint filter with detergent to remove invisible chemical residues that can restrict airflow. Every Year Remove and clean out the entire exhaust duct line from ...
Looking for a fresh look for your bathroom? Learn about average bathroom remodel costs to set your budget and expectations.