The first method will remove sidebars from your theme altogether. In order to do this, you need to edit WordPress theme files. We recommend you to make abackup of your WordPresssite and use thechild theme; otherwise, you will lose all the changes you made. This is because a child theme...
Here, check the box next to ‘Remove WEBSITE Field from Comment Form.’ This will discourage spammers from inserting their links. That said, all the comments you previously approved will still contain a link. To remove these URLs, simply check the box next to ‘Remove hyperlink from comment ...
To hide or remove the author name from a WordPress post in the Twenty 19 theme you can apply this CSS. div.entry-meta span.byline{ display: none; } footer.entry-footer span.byline{ display: none; } How to remove the author name from WP Astra theme This plugin will remove the author...
We recommend that you go through the following checklist to ensure that the process of changing yourWordPress themegoes smoothly and that you don’t lose important data. 1. Copy Snippets from Your Current Theme Some intermediate WordPress users like to customize their website by adding code snippe...
How to Remove Featured Images from WP Astra Posts/Pages Go toPlugins>Add Newfrom your WordPress admin dashboard ClickUpload Plugin Select thewpastra-disable-featured-image.zipfile that you downloaded on your computer ClickInstall Now Activatethe plugin ...
Choose the Right Theme Astra OceanWP Kadence Conclusion We’re going to walk you through three proven methods to change your WordPress theme. We’ll also give you the best practices to follow before making the switch and guide you on what to do afterwards. ...
In fact, you’ll be delighted to know that there are thousands of free and paid WordPress themes to choose from. Well, picking one from the vast bundle is definitely an overwhelming job. To make it easy for you, as of now, let’s go over theAstratheme. ...
Customize your WordPress theme to create a stunning website and grow your audience. Read on to learn various ways for editing WordPress themes.
Each can help remove clutter without deleting the entire website. Clean the WordPress Database Want to keep your site exactly the same but clean up your database? There are many plugins that allow you toquickly remove old plugins, spam comments, unused post revisions and other unnecessary data...
On the next screen you can click “Change Logo” to upload your new logo. Once upload, you can also use the slider to change the width of your logo. Change your website colors & fonts Go back to “Appearance –> Astra Options” from the WordPress left sidebar. Then click “Set Colors...