*Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI* | Remove-AppxPackage + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Microsoft.XboxG...l_cw5n1h4txyewy:String) [Remove-AppxPackage], IOException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.RemoveAppxPackageCommand Attempting Remove...
get-appxpackage -allusers *xboxapp* | remove-appxpackage If you want to remove it and prevent it from being installed for user accounts created in the future, you can use this command instead: get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like “*xboxapp*”} | re...
I try to remove them, but i failed, with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA. And I google it,these is a solution is "Change value of "IsInbox" attribute in StateRepository-Machine.srd". So, how could I change this value to reinstall these appxpackages, or how could I fix my sign in problem?
If we want to take this a step further and remove most .appx package installations, we can use a combination of the allowlist we created earlier and theRemove-AppxPackagecmdlet. Again, this is an example and should be used with caution after thoroughly identifying apps you need to include i...
Remove-AppxPackage -Package PackageFullName Tips: Don’t forget to replacePackageFullNamewith the content you copied just now. If you still cannot uninstall the app, please try the next method. Fix 2: Uninstall the App After Performing a Clean Boot ...
At the PowerShell command prompt type‘get-appxpackage’and hit enter. The list of installed applications will scroll past. You’ll need to scroll back thru them to find the application you can’t remove. Alternatively you can type‘get-appxpackage –Name *some porti...
Step 3: Enter a command of the program you wan to remove. For example, if you want to remove “3D Builder”, the command should be: Get-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage. Step 4: Click “Enter” and then waiting for the removal process. As it finished, you will remove ...
So I went into services itsself and tried to disable GamingServices, but it seems the box is grayed out: And then I tried the remove appxpackage and that did not work either: So I am curious as to how this should be resolved? I am using an offline account and I don't need this ...
Remove-AppPackage is an alias for the oldRemove-AppxPackage, and wecoveredthis in a previous article. Now that we have provisioned our sample package for all the users, we can remove it using: Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers -package"AdvancedInstaller.SampleApp_1.0.0.0_x64__r21n0w1rc5s2y" ...
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxApp | Remove-AppxPackage Wait till the process is done and then type "exit" to close PowerShell. That's it. RЕCOMMENDED:Click here to fix Windоws issues and optimize system performance Support us Winaero greatly relies on your support. You can help the site...