-Surprisingly, applying toothpaste on warts makes the warts to slowly dry out and die by cutting off the oxygen supply. -Take any non-gel toothpaste and put it on the wart before covering it with bandair or duct tape and leave it overnight. -Remove the tape in the morning and scrub th...
Banana peels can also be used to treat warts as well! Just tape a piece of the peel to cover the wart, leave on overnight, and remove in the morning. Continue with nightly treatments until wart is gone. To stop the itch from bug bites and poison ivy, rub banana peels on the affecte...
Found in most over-the-counter wart removers, salicylic acid is the best way to painlessly remove a verruca. However you may need to use a concentration of up to 40% salicylic acid on some plantar warts.[5] Buy some at your local pharmacy and use according to the directions on the bo...