Use a thin, flat screwdriver to pry off the round, decorative plate -- also sometimes referred to as arose-- toreveal the lockset mounting screws. Step 6: Unscrew and Finish Use a drill/driver toremove the longer mounting screws. This causes the doorknob to separate inside, and both sides...
There is no worse feeling than realizing you have locked yourself out of your home. Here are several ways to get in, in ascending order of destruction.
In fact, there are several approaches to getting through a locked door that isn’t destructive. From resetting interior door locks to picking a lock, there are several things you can try before you start breaking things. Read on to learn how to unlock a locked doorknob without a key –...
The surprising news is we can use it to pick the handle of the indoor doors or remove the knob. Aside from that, it also works on taking off the door’s hinges. If you lost your keys and got locked out of your house, you don’t need to worry. As long as you have a screwdriver...
Spray the doorknob mechanism with lubricant and turn the knob a few times to help spread the lubricant. Inspect the mechanism on both sides for rust. If rust is present, remove it with a wire brush, and spray lubricant on the mechanism to keep it working properly. ...
Additionally, you'll require at least a hammer and screwdriver (orhinge removal tool), as well as time to remove the hinge bolts. 2. Use a Credit Card or Shim (Loiding) If you have a little room between the door and your door frame, you can also try shimming---or loiding---the...
Patch kits are designed to fix holes that are about the size of a doorknob. Kits come with a self-adhesive mesh patch that sticks to the drywall and covers the hole. These patches are quick and easy to use, but because the patch goes on top of the drywall on the edges of the hole...
Remove the door knob or handle along with the thru spindle Use a tool such as a screwdriver to twist in the gap where the thru spindle was inserted. See if this retracts the latch or not. If the handle retracts, it means that the connection between the handle and the thru spin is not...
That includes upholstery as well as metal components like nails, screws, doorknobs, and hinges. If you are able to remove these parts, take them out and set them aside. Otherwise, cover them up to prevent them from getting damaged. Also, consider putting a drop cloth underneath the wood ...
Pros:Tension rods are relatively inexpensive, and you only need one for each set of drawers. Since you don’t have to install anything, you don’t have to worry about damaging your furniture. Cons:Every time you want to open a single drawer, you’ll have to remove the entire rod. As...