Spin your flywheel. If the flywheel is too far from the magneto, your magneto won't be able to generate enough currency to send to the spark plugs. Remove the engine cover, locate the kill wire and unplug it first. Measure the distance between the flywheel and the magneto; it is usually...
Check the health of your lawn regularly and water as needed. Don’t mow your grass too short. Fall Remove leaves and debris from the lawn regularly to avoid fungus and mold growth. Mow for the last time when you notice growth has stopped. Apply a fertilizer with potassium. ...
You don’t want to make the switch to a battery mower but aren’t thrilled with the lower build quality of some of the new gas mowers you’ve seen at your local home center. You don’t want to send a lawnmower to the landfill if it still has life in it. Overview of the Restorat...
With a full battery charge, we then drilled through 2x6 lumber until each drill died, noting how many holes they were able to complete on one battery charge. We also measured how long it took each drill to drill five 1-1/4” holes back-to-back on average to determine the speed of ...
Wanna know honeywell thermostat how to remove cover? We are here to give you some incredible and simple tips and steps. Find out now!
Check the Power Source:Ensure that the equipment is properly connected to a power source or that the fuel tank has sufficient fuel. For electric units, inspect the cord and outlet. Inspect the Air Filter:A clogged air filter can restrict airflow, leading to performance issues. Remove and clea...
Browse our tutorial on how to winterize a STIHL lawn mower, including tips on cleaning, lubricating, and storing lawn mowers for the winter.
Remove thatch and collect clippings:If you have an infestation of sod webworms, removing some of the thatch layer might help. If you have a thatch layer of over one-half inch, that will encourage many insects, not only sod webworms. In addition, dethatching your lawn while you have a ...
Loosen the straps or clamps that hold the battery in place. Remove the battery by pulling it straight up and out from its compartment. If there is corrosion on the battery terminals, wear gloves to handle the old battery. Loosen the negative battery cable clamp with your adjustable wrench. ...
Pry apart the skid plate and blade disc a little and remove the blade and screw. Clean out any dirt using a dish-washing brush and a soft damp cloth. Screw the new blade tight with a new screw. Always replace the screw as well as the blade. Be careful to only use one blade with ...