If your bee sting has caused a local reaction, there’s no need to seek medical care – you can treat it at home. You’ll first need to remove the stinger, if it’s there, and then focus on treating the sting. If you’re unsure of what to do at any step of the way, you can...
Bees are organized pests so getting rid of them by traditional methods do not usually work. The prolonged presence of a bee hive inside your home can also lead to permanent damage on the walls, roof or even chimneys which can only be solved through a complete renovation. Besides this, the ...
As I mentioned earlier, I got stung by a bumblebee by touching one accidentally. I suspect that she was resting on the tomato that I was picking. Yes, it was a "she"—only females can sting. Should I Kill Bumblebees or Remove Nests to Keep My Kids and Pets Safe?
After cooking them in sand, they burned off the wings and legs and sifted the moth through a net to remove the head, leaving nothing but delectable moth meat. The Aborigines were, and continue to be, entomophagists. They eat honey pot ants and witchety grubs -- the larvae of the ...
If you have severe reactions to specific allergens (like bee stings), talk with your doctor ahead of time about how to prepare and take care. If you have a history of allergic reactions and have an epinephrane auto-injector, like an EpiPen, make sure to pack it. Remember to check any...
If you’re worried, leave it in and take them to the vet so they can remove it for you. If the stinger is out, bathe the area with an alkali such as baking soda dissolved in cold water for bee or insect stings, or use lemon juice or vinegar for wasp stings instead. If you’re...
Both bees and wasps inject their venom with a stinger attached to their bodies. Wasps and most bees can pump the venom into your skin, remove the stinger and then fly away. The honeybee's stinger, however, is barbed and it sticks in your flesh. When the honeybee tries to fly away, ...
There’s got to be a way B is also with an x, to have only-only physics head up. Take me off this thing. Party, McGuinn Stables, 3862 treble form B concert X. Head city decision album, base by basis-colored (head). Front suppose yellow, a Bob Marley ship. Won its guns, I do...
They may fly into your home and may sting if you try to remove them. Birds feed on them, so they get rid of the mud dauber naturally. Someone may be allergic to wasps. They are beneficial to the ecosystem because they control the poisonous black widow population and are a source of fo...
Never thought I could move as fast as I did, running around like a wild woman smacking my butt (couldn't see it, naturally) But whatever it was I wanted it dead! It was next to my lounge chair. Thank goodness I have a privacy fence because my neighbors would have had me committed....