Add the following function at the end of the .bashrc file using your preferred text editor. The function displays the date of that particular day when it is called. date_today(){ date '+Today is %A, %B %d, %Y.' } After saving the changes, we can reload the .bashrc to reflect ...
/root/.bashrc: It’s dedicated to the root user. Whenever root opens the shell, it will be used. WhyReloadbashrc When a Bash shell session is launched, it reads all the associated configurations and scripts. After that, Bash doesn’t read them again (unless commanded to). This is why ...
--cert-file Path to copy the cert file to after issue/renew. --key-file Path to copy the key file to after issue/renew. --ca-file Path to copy the intermediate cert file to after issue/renew. --fullchain-file Path to copy the fullchain cert file to after issue/renew. --reloadcmd...
Look at many of the large scale data breaches in the news -- the companies often did not discover the data leak or intrusion until long after the bad-actors were gone.Contrary to popular belief, bad-actors don't always want to change something or lock you out of your data for money. ...
~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc ~/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile Once you’ve located the correct file, add the alias below to any you already have, or just at the end of the file. In the example below we’re using the alias ‘firesox’ to bring up the SOCKS tun...
$ echo -e "\n# virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper" >> ~/.bashrc $ echo "export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs" >> ~/.bashrc $ echo "source /usr/local/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc After editing our~/.bashrcfile, we need to reload the changes: ...
Verify configuration. Ensure there are no typos in the configuration files (.bashrc,.wgetrc,apt.conf, or/etc/environment) and that the proxy settings are correct. Try both lowercase and uppercase variable names. Reload configuration. After making changes to configuration files, use thesource comma...
Modify or remove the readonly attribute as needed. If you just want to change the value of TMOUT, adjust the value in the export TMOUT=<value> line. Save the file and exit the editor. 3. Reload the Shell After changes, either log out and back in, or source the global file with sou...
Change the vaulted variables If you need to add, delete, modify, or review your Ansible Vault-created environment variables, call thebash_vault.editfunction: $ bash_vault.edit Once you've completed the updates, reload the shell variables using thebash_vault.reloadfunction: ...
Switch to themastodonuser: su - mastodon Set uprbenvto manage Ruby versions: git clone ~/.rbenv echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc exec bash git clone