Sinus pressure can become very uncomfortable and difficult to deal with. Find out causes of sinus pressure as well as ways to help relieve it. There are few things as uncomfortable as sinus pressure. Mounting tension in the forehead, tightness around the eyes, nose and cheeks, blo...
Sinus pain can be a nuisance, making it difficult to focus or enjoy everyday activities. From the constant pressure in your head to the irritating congestion, it’s no wonder many people seek relief. But don’t worry; you’re not alone in this battle. This guide will equip you with pra...
In this writing, I have provided you with 10 tips on how to relieve sinus pressure headache naturally. Though sinusitis is difficult to treat, there are still natural ways to relieve its symptoms. If you are suffering from sinus infection, and have tried many kinds of drugs in vain, you ...
How To Relieve Pain From Sinus InfectionsPatricia Neighmond
Place the crushed garlic in your ear then keep it for about 30 minutes Move the cloth so as to relieve the ears from pain. Learn more:Health benefits of garlic to the human body 2. Garlic Juice For Ear Infection Extracting the juice of garlic is another way to use garlic for ear infec...
If congestion from a cold, the flu or a sinus infection is making your teeth hurt, try to relieve the pressure in your sinuses. Your doctor might prescribe decongestants, or you can use over-the-counter decongestants to reduce the pressure. A hot washcloth on your face can also help...
Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctors If your headache is related to sinus issues, ENTs, aka otolaryngologists, may be worthwhile to consult. Some migraines can cause ringing in your ears or sinus pressure. A type of migraine calledvestibular migrainecan make you dizzy. This sort of vertigo can st...
Sinus infections, colds, and allergies can cause swelling in the eustachian tubes. This stops the tubes from opening, which can lead to fluid buildup in the ear. This may cause ear pain, a plugged feeling, or an ear infection. Air pressure in the ear may also change while scuba diving,...
Using an aspirator bulb, gently remove any newly loosened mucus. Squeeze out all the air in the bulb before inserting it in your baby’s nostril and slowly releasing the pressure. Use the nasal drops prior to feeding so your baby can still breathe through their nose. Don’t use the nasal...
Changes in blood flow when you lie down can worsen nasal congestion. Try elevating your head with a couple of pillows to relieve a stuffy nose at night. Stuffy Nose and Sore Throat If you have a stuffy nose and a sore throat, these could be symptoms of a common cold, the flu, or CO...