If you’ve been eating a clean diet for some time but your weight isn’t budging, you may also want to considerfood sensitivity testingto remove foods that are specifically inflammatory to you. Many of my clients who have played with their current diets have seen progress in weight loss af...
Some exercises can help build muscle and relieve pain in the back of your knee. It is important to work with your doctor or physical therapist to determine which exercises are right for you so you can avoid potential injury. Lifestyle changes Your doctor may ask you to make some lifestyle ...
In Hashimoto’s, triggers contribute to the body developing something called “a lack of self-tolerance.” This is when the body is no longer able to recognize its own tissue as part of itself, but instead starts viewing its tissue as a foreign invader. It is no longer “tolerant” of ...
Many wоmеn turn tо hоrmоnе rерlасеmеnt therapy (HRT) to relieve mеnораuѕаl ѕуmрtоmѕ lіkе hоt flаѕhеѕ, іnѕоmnіа, mооd swings, аnd lоѕѕ of sexual dеѕіrе. HRT, whісh іѕ mаіnlу th...
A physical therapist can create an individualized exercise plan to help you feel and function better. Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) can relieve symptoms too. Steroids and other substances may be injected to ease discomfort at the site of a flare. Joint replacement ...
and may be more inclined to share that with their partners than a woman who is younger and less experienced. For an older woman, her sexual experiences can also transform into body confidence and sexual prowess. In addition, the worry of an unwanted pregnancy disappears after menopause or follo...
Whilemenopauseinvolves a more permanent change in hormones, it doesn’t mean you have deal with low libido if it’s causing you distress. Hormone therapy, which helps relieve symptoms like vaginal dryness, can improve comfort during sex and, in return, may increase your interest in sex, accord...
Estrogen derivatives supplement the deficiency in natural estrogens which get depleted with menopause in women. Estrogen derivatives relieve menopausal symptoms, prevent bone loss, and reduce the risk ofcardiovascular diseasein menopausal women. Endogenous estrogens are of three major types, estradiol, estri...
“Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her period stops,” according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine andNational Institutes of Health.“It usually occurs naturally, most often after age 45. Menopause happens because the woman’s ovary stops producing the hormones estrogen an...
It’s also one of the best yoga postures for lower back pain and will give you a feel for exactly how yoga can relieve body stress you might not even know you have. Learning Yoga With A Private Instructor If you still prefer not to do your exercising in a group, but feel like you ...