Diana Wills guest post addresses menopause bloating and some easy fixes that are good practices for all of us. Menopause Bloating and How to Reduce It by Diana Wills Menopause is the most natural thing, meaning that every woman will experience it at a certain point in her life. For some wo...
After an initial week or two of withdrawal, your body will start to thank you. You will start noticing stomach aches, bloating, acid reflux, and fatigue subside. You will also start to lose weight without trying. If you’ve been eating a clean diet for some time but your weight isn’t...
(Not having periods anymore is called menopause.) Follicular phase. Usually lasting between 14 and 21 days, this is the longest phase of your menstrual cycle. During it, your body begins to boost its levels of estrogen (female hormone). This causes your uterus lining to become thick and ...
It can act as an analgesic, or pain reliever, and may contribute to dong quai’s cramp-fighting abilities. Another bonus? The same hormone-regulating effect dong quai has on menopause symptoms can also help diminish unwanted symptoms associated with PMS, such as mood swings and bloating, since...
Asian women, who typically eat a lot of soya products, have fewer symptoms of the menopause, suggesting a beneficial effect on hormones. It has also been shown that soya can reduce the incidence of breast cancer (often due to an excess of oestrogen), and recent research has found that soya...
They help to numb the affected area, relieving the symptoms and pain caused by toothache while you wait to see your dentist. Clove oil A natural and drug-free alternative, clove oil contains eugenol a natural anaesthetic. The spice helps to relieve the pain, swelling and soreness caused by ...
Stress can affect fertility, increase the risk of disease, and, for women, worsen the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Respiratory In stressful moments, the breath becomes fast and shallow. For those with preexisting breathing conditions like asthma, this rapid breathing can make ...
Get moving.Exercise will relieve stress levels and could help reduce body fat. Strength training and yoga are great activities. Decrease stress.Again, we realize this is easier said than done! But an estrogen-dominant diagnosis might be the wake-up call you need to take a step back and asse...
Most women are not able to get pregnant between 5 and 10 years before menopause. Find out more about the many tests you can take to learn about your own fertility. Learn about what they are and how they are tested. Pregnancy: Multiple Births, Twins, Triplets, and More Multiple births ...
Spotting or bleeding after sex, after menopause, or anything between menstruation Potential Causes of Irregular Periods There could be many reasons for this happening, from medical conditions to factors related to your lifestyle. These include: Pregnancy or breastfeeding2 Endometriosis5 Stress5 Polycysti...