Jock itch is not a severe medical condition. However, it may make you feel embarrassed and frustrated when you have this condition. If left untreated, a jock itch can cause serious complications, so it’s best to seek medical attention for symptoms of jock itch. Fortunately, some natural hom...
Treatment for genital rashes depends on the cause. For instance, yeast infections often are treated with over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal treatments. OTC creams such as hydrocortisone also can help to relieve itching, or a prescription ointment may be needed. With other conditions, specific treatm...
Let’s not forget “regular” yoga and how it can benefit you as well. The inverted poses, such as shoulder stands and back bends,can help increase circulationto the face, which carries away excess fluid and helps relieve swelling.
Terrasil works very well for ringworm and tinea. It also helps relieve the itch and burning associated with these infections. A proprietary formula of minerals also promotes healing of the skin. This would be very good to use with the 11-strain probiotic powder. ...