It’s getting old and leggy now and I have been wondering how to replace or rejuvenate it if it dies. Taking cuttings sounds like a great idea of how to preserve it and replace it if I need to. Reply Thelma says: I just took lavender cuttings and I’m doing an experiment a bunch...
Rejuvenate "Nikko Blue" by cutting one-third of the branches back to the ground during late-winter dormancy; repeat the process the next two years. Dormant pruning sacrifices the year's flowers, except for light flushes on new wood, but flowers return the following season. Because "Nikko Blue...
according to Texas A&M University. However, if your bush is overgrown and has become “woody,” then prune it in the late winter before new growth. You can also wait until early spring when new buds appear to have a better idea which stems will bloom and which ones will appear...
Regular exfoliation of the skin not just helps in getting rid of the dead cells but also rejuvenates and revives the ones that are dying. Exfoliate regularly to increase blood circulation and open clogged pores so that skin can breathe easy and glow. Exfoliation also helps in reversi...