I want to add a WebView2 in a tool window. I managed to do it with a vssdk project. i just replaced the ToolWindowPane.Content with WebView2 and it worked. now i started a VisualStudio.Extensibility and tried to do the same but no luck. what ever i did i could not make W...
Attempted to use webView.CoreWebView2.Profile.AddBrowserExtensionAsync(extensionPath) but received the exception "The request is not supported." It's understood that AreBrowserExtensionsEnabled must be set to True, and the property is found in
Learn more about How to install Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime. Find your answers at Namecheap Knowledge Base.
How to clear WebView2 cache for Office Add-ins. Last updated on January 30, 2025 at 11:47 PM Clearing the Office cache can be a helpful troubleshooting step if you encounter issues with Office add-ins or need to ensure that your add-in is running the most up-to-date version. ...
Removing Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime from Windows 11 can be straightforward if you follow these steps. However, consider any dependencies that might exist with other applications. If you encounter any issues, you can always reinstall WebView2 Runtime to restore functionality to applications that...
Hello @champnic , For the VSTO project, I had included WebView2 via Nuget. It worked fine. While packing the exe, I don't know why internally many dll's were configured. In my .csproj file, I have configured the WebView2.Core.dll & WebVi...
How to clear cache / history webview2? I have a specific requirement not show the embedded Iframe history or in cache, which I can currently view under the "Cache" folder in the application installed directory created by the application. AB#31044529...
{// Ensure the `CoreWebView2` object has been initialized.awaitwebView2.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(); webView2.CoreWebView2.SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName:"pspdfkit", folderPath:"Assets", accessKind: CoreWebView2HostResourceAccessKind.Allow); ...
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime x64 Silent Install (EXE) Navigateto:https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section Selectthex64 Standalone Installer DownloadtheMicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exeto a folder created at(C:\Downloads) ...
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