Depression is a mental illness that can affect numerous parts of life: relationships with others, self-worth, professional success, physical health, and more. Learning how to manage depression symptoms can often be challenging. While there is no quick fix to cure depression, you can work to man...
Running is believed to help you clear your mind, deal with stress, and improve overall mental health. We call it Run to Reconnect. By paying attention to your breath, your thoughts, and yourself while on a run, you’re able to reset and regain the mental strength you need to face the...
Healthy relationshipsare often built on a solid foundation of love and respect and canimprove mental health. At the beginning of a relationship, it may seem easy to see your partner through the eyes of adoration or admiration. You may be willing to gloss over traits that you'd typically obje...
For centuries, healers have ponderedthe connection between mental and physical health. In recent years, science has begun to recognize the powerful connections through which emotional, spiritual, and behavioral factors can direc...
Fortunately, mental health stabilization is something that can help. The idea is to get someone to a mental health center where they can be safe and get the support they need to regain control. It sounds like a simple intervention (and very often it is). But it can ...
Every year, the month of May is observed as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States, an outreach initiative founded in 1949 by Mental Health America—previously known as the National Association for Mental Health. The initiative was designed to create public awareness, fight stigma ...
If you suspect that you or someone close to you need extra help in handling anxiety and excessive worries, talk to a mental health professional or organization to find the assistance that is right for you. References Osborne, M. S. (2016). Psychological skills to support performance under pre...
Spending time offline during a digital or social media detox can help you foster better relationships IRL and improve mental health. Here's how to start.
Finding a qualified therapistor psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety treatment is the best way to regain your mental health and learn sustainable coping mechanisms for anxiety. In this article we will discuss: Common Anxiety Symptoms 10 Ways to Cope with Anxiety ...
Agood work-life balance, ahealthy lifestyle, andhaving a healthy connection to at least one personare thefoundationfor mental health and will help you better manage stress. You want to sample different stress management techniques, find a couple, and work up to practicing them for at least 10...