Press Windows key and type** Powershell **in search, right click on it and Open as administrator . Type the following command in Powershell and hit enter to uninstall the app. get-appxpackage *Microsoft.ZuneVideo* | remove-appxpackage Regards Simon If you find that my post has answered ...
Click on Advanced key. On menu, click Edit > New > DWORD (32 bit) Value. Name it: JumpListItems_Maximum Right click it, select Modify and set Hexadecimal Value to what you want. I set mine to 30 and it actually took immediately without a reboot.Thread...
Simple Reg Hack to Change the IE Title Forever (Simple) How to disable DV autoplay XP and 2K on same drive System/ equipment Refresh Faster Dual Boot Timeout Must Do Security Settings How to send instant messages over secure networks Fix Folder View Memory Loss Fun with a wheel mouse and ...
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I connected a 6th drive to Sata3_5 to be used for additional video storage, but it does not show up in disk management. Does Windows 10 support a 6th hard drive? What do I do to get the drive to show up in disk management so I can initialize and format it?
In addition, I assume there would be updates available to add this feature in Microsoft Edge in the future, so please submit feedbacks on this topic. Regards Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback...
To view the files on the C drive you can use file explorer to view the contents and the size.During the installation of Windows 10 language files and folders are installed into the reserved partition.How do you view the size of the language files and folders within the partition?
Click on Yes if the prompt appears. Switch the Startup type from Automatic to Disabled. Click Apply.I tried the suggestion, but Windows Update uninstalled the new driver and put back the old driver. The last response from the Windows Community Forum was to post my issue in TechNet Forum. ...
I have disabled the users acces to the Windows Store using a User policy.How do I document that the Windows Store Apps installed on the computer is still updating.Are there any log files where I can see that the Apps are updated when new versions of the App become available in the ...
I have disabled the users acces to the Windows Store using a User policy.How do I document that the Windows Store Apps installed on the computer is still updating.Are there any log files where I can see that the Apps are updated when new versions of the App become available in the ...