How to restore cast iron – make repairs, remove rust and paint, and refinish Find out how to restore cast iron – including fireplaces, garden furniture, railings, and even pans, to keep them in good condition for many more years to come Learning how to restore cast iron is essential to...
In the first phase of our renovation, it felt liked there was a lot connected. The dining room led us to tackle a balcony which led to new windows and doors ...
How to Strip Paint Off Wrought Iron Railings 3M Stripping with Chemicals The most common method to strip woodwork is to brush on a chemical stripper, let the stripper soften the finish, then scrape, wash and sand. In the past, you had to use a stripper containingmethylene chloride, a high...
How To Refinish Cabinets Leroy Calstard A simple way to give these very important spaces a new look on a small budget is to consider a cabinet renovation. Since the cabinets are frequently the focal point of both of these rooms, refinishing or repainting them will give your space a ...