A clean driving record is one of the best ways to reduce your car insurance costs. An accident is likely to increase your premiums. "If an insurance carrier can prove you were distracted when the accident happened and you were the cause, then that's a factor (in determining your premium)...
While car insurance is necessary, insurance coverage can be costly. Learn some ways to lower your car insurance rate, like keep a healthy credit score.
Speeding tickets, accidents and other traffic violations drive up car insurance premiums. If you get a ticket, you may be offered the opportunity to go to traffic school to get it dismissed or reduce the number of violation points that go on your driving record. » MORE:Does a speeding ti...
How to Reduce Your Home Insurance Costsdoi:urn:uuid:2286e5fd45c00410VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDThe cost of insuring a home has been on the rise, but there are steps home owners can take to reduce their coverage costs. Donna Fuscaldo...
Student discounts:College students often pay high insurance rates, but good grades and heading to school without a car couldreduce the cost of coverage. Payment discounts:Paying your premium in full or even setting up auto-pay could qualify you for a small discount on your rate. ...
Often, the cost of fixing the break-in is not covered by insurance and, if you didn’t leave your car secure, your insurance might not pay out. So, here’s how to deter thieves from breaking into your car. Never leave anything of value on display in your car. This includes thinking...
What you use your car for What can you do if you are in a higher risk occupation? There are some dos and don’ts tocut your insurance costsif your occupation is viewed as higher risk: Do see if you can move your job into a better category to reduce your premium. There will usually...
With car insurance, for example, "increasing your deductible from $500 to $1,000 can reduce optional collision and coverage premium costs by 15% to 20%," said Loretta Worters, a vice president at the Insurance Information Institute.
Billing discounts: Some insurers will reduce your premium if you agree to pay the amount in full, submit payments electronically or sign up for automatic payments. Insurers might also offer unique discounts like a premium reduction for married couples, a homeowner discount or a discount for switchi...
2. Consider your deductible Opting for a higher deductible can be a simple way to significantly lower your monthly auto payments. In fact, increasing your deductible from $500 to $1,000 can lower your insurance premium by 10%. Drivers can also drop other extra coverage options to reduce thei...