Once activated by SARS-CoV-2, this protease helps virus 1) to reduce autophagy, the process physiologically aimed to eliminate external microorganisms from the host cells, 2) to sustain the hyper-inflammatory status and 3) to reduce the host anti-viral immune response [35]. The hypothesis of...
Administration of therapeutic doses of epinephrine, as used in anaphylaxis, may induce adverse effects, including transient anxiety, headache, dizziness, tremor, pallor, and palpitations. These symptoms are similar to those caused physiologically by increased endogenous epinephrine levels. However, the adv...
In this theory, MCs would reduce the dermal availability of dopamine to interfere with its paracrine and autocrine function, but they may also act in a timely shifted pattern of dopamine release (Figure 4). Further studies will be required to more precisely assess the position of MCs in the ...