可以使用Image类和TextureBrush类,用纹理填充封闭形状。 示例 以下示例用图像填充椭圆形。 该代码构造了一个Image对象,然后将Image对象的地址作为参数传递给TextureBrush构造函数。 第三个语句缩放图像,第四个语句用缩放后的图像的重复副本填充椭圆形。 在以下代码中,Transform属性包含在绘制图像之前应用于该图像的转换。
After you reduce noise, you can play around with the other sliders like Clarity, Exposure, and Saturation to further polish your image. Try other modes for texture removal. If your scanned images have hard-to-remove nicks and scratches, give these other pixel-blending methods a shot to make...
Start with the main areas of light and shadow. Add more paint later to achieve the right shading. Contrast smooth textures and bold textures to create a “raised” texture on your finished painting. Mix some oil in with the paint at different points to create different textures. Your techniqu...
Use the Bloat Tool to create a slightly larger shape for the eyes—just be sure to reduce the size of the brush to be similar in size to the eyeballs. When you've finished, click the None button in the Mask Options to unfreeze the masked area. Step 6 Extend the chin a bit more...
12. Create an Artificial Texture Go to Edit – Fill and set Gray to 50%. Next, choose Filter – Noise – Add Noise, set the value to 1, and add a checkmark next to Monochromatic. 13. Change the Blending Mode After pressing on the layer created in the previous step, choose Linear ...
You bake an image as two separate layers: base texture and glows. Then compress both as 8-bit RGBA. This gives a lot of bits for smooth glows (think lamp posts in fog) but cuts out 16-bit worth of data per RGB triplet. The result is lower total file size than a single 32-bit ...
Now we’ll continue to show the volume by building up the tone, but more detailed. At the same time, we’ll begin to form the texture of the lips. To do this, reduce the size of the brush, and also make it more hard (somewhere in the range from 50 to 75 percent). Also create...
Feather the edge by increasing the pressure and flattening the blade on the putty knife as you reach the edge of the patch to reduce the amount of spackle or joint compound applied to the drywall. Let the Spackle Dry You won't be able to sand or paint until the spackle has dried, ...
A review is presented of the book "How To Create Texture in Your Paintings: The Artist's Guide to Using Paint Effectively," by Tony Paul.LombardoDanielEBSCO_bspLibrary Journal
To better understand what is going on, we can apply the RGB texture to the plane's diffuse color: As we can see, the trees which originally grew on the red area were moved in the direction of the X axis, the ones on the green area were moved in the direction of...