How to reduce space between Header and Component area If you want to reduce top space (padding) between the header and the main body please use the following Custom CSS: #sp-main-body{padding-top:0px;} Notice! The default value from template styles was set at 100px. You can use any ...
All that you can do is to make sure there are enough options within every single page to make the user travel deeper till he reaches that one page from which he will exit. The same strategies followed to reduce the bounce rate is also valid to reduce the exit rate of a page. Tips to...
If you wish to reduce photo size iPhone has to accommodate more photos in the iPhone storage. Don't miss this article.
Related Read:Customer Churn – How to Predict and Reduce Churn in Business 5. Customer Engagement Rate Customer engagement rate is a metric that indicates the level of involvement your customers have with your products and the brand overall. People who invest time interacting with a brand are mor...
This tech called Pagefile.sys allows the PC to handle larger programs and files, which require a lot of processing and memory power. So, what exactly is it? Should you meddle with it? What if it takes up too much space? Should you delete it or reduce its file size? Let's dive in...
It might not be as obvious, but a dying battery can affect your phone's signal. When your phone’s battery is running low, it may limit power to its antenna to conserve energy, which can reduce its ability to connect to the network. ...
The computer's memory or configuration is too low to run Chrome properly. There are several ways you can reduce Chrome high memory usage and speed up your browsing experience. Let's explain one-by-one. Fix 1. Close Unwanted Tabs When we use Chrome, we tend to have multiple pages open....
MSAA (Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing): MSAA is a common gaming setting to get the smooth display. FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing): FXAA is an anti-aliasing algorithm to get the aliasing line effect on fuzzy objects. TXAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing): To reduce the display flickering while ob...
Next, you can also customize when you want your popup to be displayed. Your popup triggers can be based on scroll percentage, time spent on the page, active status of the visitor, or by clicking on a custom website element. Next, you can also select who you want to target. Here, yo...
Step 3.Make sure that the "Scroll bars" option is enabled. the Step 4.You can also adjust the scroll speed and other settings. Reset the SMC (System Management Controller). The SMC is responsible for managing some of the low-level functions of your Mac, such as power management and inpu...