To reduce the residual iron quantity in a furnace and to shorten the repairing period of a blast furnace by additionally charging filling material from the top part of the furnace after blowing out the blast furnace and sinking coke at the furnace center part into the molten iron with the loa...
Question 3.15:Explain how rusting of iron is envisaged as setting up of an electrochemical cell.Answer In the process of corrosion, due to the presence of air and moisture, oxidation takes place at a particular spot of an object made of iron. That spot behaves as the anode. The reaction ...
Apply a warm, wet washcloth to your cheeks, eyes, and nose to reduce congestion. Avoid using nasal sprays unless prescribed by your doctor because they can worsen your symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids (at least six to eight glasses of fluids a day) to thin mucus. Raise your head with an...
Save money and reduce waste by applying fertilizer only where and how much is actually needed. Variable rate technology used to generate these maps on the platform allows for the differential application of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) throughout the growing season, as well as...
Right now, we’re seeing the rapid proliferation of 5G industry applications. For example, in smart manufacturing, remote control enabled by 5G and cloud has changed how people work. Valin Xiangtan Iron & Steel, a factory in China's Hunan Province, has used 5G and cloud computing to enable...
One of the main reasons for recycling is to reduce the amount of garbage sent to landfills. Landfill usage peaked in the 1980s, when Americans sent almost 150 million tons (136.08 million metric tons) of garbage to landfills each year. Today, we still dump more than 100 million tons (90.7...
In the interest of safe driving, some tires are designed to help reduce the possibility of hydroplaning. These tires have deep grooves running in the same direction as the tread, giving the water an extra channel to escape from under the tire. How Tires Support a Car You may have wondered...
Organisations are always on the lookout for ways to reduce costs. Even though a tiny belt-tightening is occurring for many companies, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’ll be less travel. Rather, organisations are getting smarter at reducing the costs associated with corporate travel. Some cost...
If not removed, these foreign particles can reduce effectiveness of the original protective film. When this happens, corrosive attack may begin. During the machining process, a microscopic amount of free iron may be worn off the cutting tool and transferred to the surface of the stainless steel ...
herpes tend to improve within 2 weeks without any specific treatment. However, if symptoms like fever, malaise or intense pain occur, you should see a doctor to confirm a diagnosis. The doctor may prescribecold sore medicineslike antivirals or analgesics to reduce symptoms and speed-up recovery...