as well as managing the immediate effects of excess saliva in the mouth. Depending on the cause, the treatment can include certain types of therapies, medications, and home remedies. In extreme cases, surgery may be considered.
It's believed that the sweetness of honey triggers your salivary glands to produce more saliva. This may lubricate your airways, easing your cough. Honey may also reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes (airways within the lungs) andhelp break up mucusthat is making it hard for you to br...
Use Antacids for Excess Acid If you suffer from acid reflux disease, it may be a good idea to take antacids to reduce the acidic environment in your stomach. Acid rising to the mouth bathes the teeth in caustic liquid that erodes the teeth, causing sensitivity and decay. These tips are ...
Unfortunately, as many people see those pounds begin to pack on, they are often advised to start a low-calorie diet. The problem with following a low-calorie diet is that we often become deficient in macro and micronutrients when we reduce our calorie intake — and over time, we may be ...
Ways to Restrict FatCutting back on fat, especially saturated and trans fat, is one of the most important changes you can make in your diet if you want to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. But how do you reduce fat when it seems to be everywhere? Start slowly. Coun...
Reduce allergens in your home. If your coughing is due to allergies, cutting down the number of allergens around you may help prevent it. A great tip is to clean and dust your home regularly to prevent dust buildup, Mathis says. You can also invest in a HEPA filter to get rid of all...
Let us look at a few numbers that have been given out by its policy makers about the costs that the US would have to undertake to reduce emissions. Janet Yellen, Chairperson of the White House Council of Economic Advisers gave these figures to the US Cong...
At this point the adrenals become unable to respond to any stressor, and you will see low levels of cortisol and DHEA on a blood and saliva tests. The Domino Effect of Excess Cortisol If the adrenal glands are healthy, they initially respond to stress by producing increased amounts of cort...
Use a clean tissue to gently remove excess moisture/saliva from the ulcer area. 2. Squeeze a small quantity ofIglü Rapid Relief Gelonto a clean, dry finger tip or cotton bud, and then apply it directly to the ulcer using a single, gentle wiping action (avoid dabbing). ...
Below are the ingredients used in making Nigerian Vegetable salad, you can double or reduce it, depending on the number of people you are looking to serve.Ingredients For Vegetable SaladMedium size cabbage 4 medium size carrot lettuce leaves 2 cups of chopped green beans half cup peas (...